Rancho Campana High School is an all Academy school. Students can choose from: Arts and Entertainments, Medical Science, and Engineering. In addition to their general education students can focus on their college and career pathway.
School Info
Check out what currently is happening around campus.
Rancho Campana offers a variety of school programs: Robotics, Stagecraft, Dance Team, Academic Decathlon, ASB, Peer to Peer, and much more!
Our staff works together to create a school community that utilizes modern technology, creative thinking, collaborative projects to create a school where individuals can thrive and develop their talents as they prepare for a modern world. Read more here.
Student Handbook
It is important for all of our students to feel safe on our campus. Creating the student handbook was a student, teacher, and parent endeavour. The student handbook explains school rules, policies against bullying, and how to be a successful student at RCHS.
Our Mission
Rancho Campana is an academy, project based academic institution. It combines a rigorous education with an atmosphere of inclusivity. We have over 800 students on average, which allows a healthy range of programs but retain an air of personability.