Athletics Process
Rancho Student Athletes Instructions for participation in sports at ACHS or RMHS
Rancho student athletes play sports at Adolfo Camarillo High School. Student Athletes participate in all practices and competitions with their team. Rancho student athletes are enrolled in an “athletic period” at Rancho Campana. Transportation is available by bus to ACHS for practice daily.
In order for all of this to happen – all families of current or prospective student athletes must be sure to follow the following procedures.
Athletic Director
STep 1: new student athletes
School Determination
Determine student’s school of choice. Students will remain with their chosen athletic school of choice for the duration of their enrollment at Rancho Campana.
STep 2: all athletes every year
Athletic Clearance
All prospective athletes must register at before attending any try-out and/or practice for 2024-2025 school year. To receive try-out and team information, register online for the all sports in which the athlete may be interested. Head coaches will communicate via e-mail with athletes who have registered at for each sport chosen online.
This must be completed BEFORE an athlete tries out for a team.
Athletic Clearance Instructions
1. Register online at Be sure to select ALL boxes indicating sports for which the athlete may want to participate. Complete online registration with correct parent and student electronic signatures.
2. Download the Athletic Physical & Consent Form. Make an appointment for a physical and take this form to your medical doctor for them to complete.
3. Parent and student athlete must sign this form (in ink) and then submit this form one of three ways:
- upload to
- email to athletic secretary at Camarillo High School.
- Camarillo: Miguel Sandoval:
STep 3: all atheletes every year
Try out for a team!
Rancho student athletes must keep up with any posted try out dates through their boundary schools. Announcements will be made as we are informed of them – but Rancho does not manage this schedule.
Camarillo High School: GoScorps. All try out dates and team schedules will be posted.
Please visit the website of your prospective athletics school to view tryout schedules and contact information.
STep 4: all atheletes every year
Congratulations – You Have Made the Team!
1. Complete the Athletic Participation Form from the link below:
KEY – handle all of this paperwork as early and efficiently as possible. Athletes may not attend practice at their home school until all steps are completed.